SEAMEO TED and Perhimpunan Periset Indonesia (PPI) co-organized the Virtual PPI Discussion Forum 1st Session on “Technical Innovation Progress in Southeast Asian Region” on 13th February 2023 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Jakarta time) via Zoom meeting platform. This event was participated by the Chairman of PPI Great Bekasi Branch, the Director of SEAMEO TED and Team, all PPI Great Bekasi Members, and other national and international researchers and educators. The forum was aimed to get to know the progress of Research and Development of SEAMEO TED, to be well informed on Technical Innovation under the administration of SEAMEO TED, and to extend further cooperation. The discussion was moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Indra Muis, S.S.M.M, Rector of Bina Insani University (BiU).
In Opening Session, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Indra Muis, S.S.M.M, Rector of Bina Insani University (BiU) warmly greeted Dr. Ir. Jaizuluddin Mahmud, M.T., the Chairman of PPI Great Bekasi Branch and Team, Dr. Songheang Ai, Director of SEAMEO TED and Team, and all participants. He briefly presented the Perhimpunan Periset Indonesia (PPI) profile and its local and international activities. He also addressed objectives and agenda of the forum.

Dr. Ir. Jaizuluddin Mahmud, M.T., the Chairman of PPI Great Bekasi Branch was invited to deliver his welcoming speech. He found out that the topic of the Discussion Forum is very interesting and he hoped the result of discussion will become the solution for problems which all parties are facing. He deeply thanked Dr. Indra and his team for their contribution to make this forum happened. He briefly introduced Indonesian Researcher Association-Great Bekasi Branch which is part of PPI. He deeply thanks SEAMEO TED for promoting technical education in Southeast Asian region. He believed that after the discussion PPI and SEAMEO TED will work cooperatively to strengthen research downstream activities in Bekasi in the future.
Dr. Songheang Ai, the Director of SEAMEO TED, was invited to introduced SEAMEO TED. He expressed his sincere thanks to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Indra Muis, S.S.M.M, Dr. Ir. Jaizuluddin Mahmud, M.T. and their team for today forum. He presented three main areas of SEAMEO TED- About SEAMEO TED, Key Milestones for Fiscal Year 2021/20203, and SEA Vocational/Technical High School / College Network. He expected the extend of cooperation locally and globally with PPI in conducting research studies.
In Question, Answer, and Response session, there were several questions asked by Dr. Indra to SEAMEO TED regarding to top challenges in conducting research studies and previous and next agenda of SEAMEO TED activities. Dr. Songheang Ai, the Director of SEAMEO TED and Mr. Tim Vorn, Head of Research and Development Division deliberately responded to those concerns.
At Closing Session, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Indra Muis, S.S.M.M, Rector of Bina Insani University (BiU) expressed his profound thanks to PPI, SEAMEO TED, and all participants for taking part in this very meaningful discussion forum. He strongly believed by cooperation and synergy we can overcome the main challenges facing by both parties.