SEAMEO TED Coordinated special lecture and visit of professor Dr. Choi Oo Chool, President of Global Saemaul Undong Network and Professor of Yeungnam University, the Republic of Korea This study visit and special lecture was made from 24-25 April 2019 in Kampong Cham and Tbong Khmom Provinces of Cambodia. The main purpose of the study visit to share the concept and experience on Saemaul Undong (Development) to the government officials and students in Cambodia. Sameual Undong, known as development policy of South Korea, which was very successful during the 1970s was introduced to more than 200 government officials and students in Cambodia through the special lectures. Key principals of Saemaul Undong is Self-help, Diligence, Cooperation, Sharing, Creative an Serving. The main program of Saemaul Undong are (1) Mindset Change-Let’s live better) (2) Environmental Improvement-Home-Village-Workplace) (3) Income Generation-Increase Agriculture Production, Enhance Quality , Technology Innovation) . From the special lecture, the participants were also shared the 9 Key Success Factors of Saemaul Undong including (1)Political Philosophy or Conviction of National Leader, (2) Consistent Policies,(3) Consensus among people and active participation,(4) Saemaul Education , (5) Training Saemaul Leaders both Men and Women, (6) Dedicated Service and Initiatives of Saemaul Leaders,(7) Presenting of Selection and Concertation,(8)Principles of Selection and Concentration, and (9) Pan-Government Aids.