Understanding the development of economics in ASEAN countries, the demand of infrastructure, especially bridge and road, witnessed a skyrocketed rise in these years. There is no doubt that a complicated transportation network is the most important cornerstone of economic development. In 2017, a joint China-ASEAN statement on Further on Deepening the Cooperation on Infrastructure Connectivity, indicating that China and ASEAN shall take necessary measures to encourage and promote connectivity cooperation in areas such as railways, highways, communication and etc, for building better business and investment environment.
SEAMEO TED in collaboration with Go Study Global Education and Guangxi Transport Vocational and Technology College (GTVTC), International Training on Civil Engineering (Focus on Bridge & Road Construction), was co-organized on 12 April 2021 virtually. The training program was arranged in two phases: Phase 1 was formed as a Live Lecture for 2 hours on 12 April 2021, which had totally 75 participants from five countries including Cambodia (9 Participants), Indonesia (25Participants), Malaysia (15 Participants), Philippines (25Participants), and Myanmar(1Participant). This training phase 2 will be in Recorded Lessons & Live mode to be held from May to July.
Prof ZHOU XUEXIANG, WEN JINGQI from Guangxi Transport Vocational and Technology College (GTVTC), who have teaching and research experiences in Civil Engineering related fields for many years were invited to be the lecturer of this training. They shared their knowledge of their field with participants in civil engineering skills and competence. Overall the participants received basic knowledge of Road & Bridge Construction from professors in the training.