International Webinar on “Employment Opportunity in the Asian Region: Perspectives of Private Sector” 27 July 2021, Time: 09:00-12:00 (Cambodia Time)

(Photo: Webinar’s Participants)

SEAMEO TED, in collaboration with its partners, co-organized an International Webinar on “Employment Opportunity in the Asian Region: Perspectives of Private Sector” on 27 July 2021 virtually (09:00-12:00, Bangkok Time). The webinar aimed to share perspectives, expertise, knowledge and best practices relevant to employment opportunities in the Asian region. Five different topics relevant to employment opportunities were shared by five eminent speakers from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Singapore, and the Philippines. 283 participants registered from different countries- Philippines (229), Cambodia (14), Others (14), Singapore (12), Indonesia (9), Lao PDR (1), Malaysia (1), Myanmar (1), Thailand (1), and Vietnam (1). Dr. Songheang Ai, Director of SEAMEO TED delivered the opening remarks pointing out the importance of industry voices to close the skills gap. He also stressed that SEAMEO TED will formulate SEA public-private partnership network to match the demand and supply side to ensure the right skills, right training course, right employees, right job, and right position for our region. The first speaker Mr. Wee-Tiong Ang, CEO of JOBTECH, Singapore, presented “Safeguarding Livelihood by Understanding Labor Economy and Skills”. He discovered that skills proficiency was significant to meet industrial needs in this digital era. He also raised some challenges in investing in talents to meet the demand side. The second speaker Dr. Steven Mckee, President of Lab Tech, Indonesia, presented “Observation on Current Trends, Issues, Challenges and Opportunities in Education”. He stressed on the educational aims of virtual TVET and virtual learning for technical subjects- improving comprehension and retention, free up teacher time, reduce learning time and lower cost, and flexible leaning and deployment. The third speaker Ms. Wang Lin, Deputy General Manager of Shandong Dolang Technology Equipment Co., China, presented “Analysis of China’s Employment Market in 2020”. She showed the analysis of the overall employment situation of fresh graduates. The fourth speaker Mr. 2 Ravoeun Sun, Deputy Group Manager of Hyundai, Cambodia Branch, presented “Job Opportunity and Readiness for Fresh Graduates Post Pandemic”. He addressed the employability skills which were divided into two groups- hard skills and soft skills. In addition, he stressed the career aspiration which has defining goals, checklist, career ladder, education qualification, strengths and weaknesses, success, and motivation. Our last speaker Mr. Michael Tiu Lim, President of National ICT Confederation, Philippines, presented “Online Job Opportunity in the ICT and Business Process Management”. He discussed the increasing ICT industry engagement such as ICT Roadshows, RIS Trainings, Cluster Conferences, NICP Summit, and Digital Governance Awards. The Q & A session was facilitated by the moderator Mr. Tim Vorn. Remarkably five questions were raised by the participants to all five speakers with their responses and answers.

(Photo: Webinar’s Participants)

Closing remarks were given by Mr. Aw York Bin, CEO of Institute of Technical Education, Singapore. He expressed his deep thanks to all speakers and participants for their time and efforts in making the Webinar successfully ended with fruitful results.


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