This meeting was held on 09-10 September 2019 at Center Point Hotel in Brunei Darussalam with collaboration from SEAMEO VOCTECH, SEAMEO Secretariat, Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam by participation from high officials of 11 SEAMEO Member Countries, Associate Members, Partners and Representatives from Universities, TVET institutions/schools in the meeting is around 110 people. The Objectives of the 5th HOM on SEA-TVET is to discuss the current situation of TVET collaboration during 2018-2019 and to identify the strategies to improve the regional cooperation and harmonisation for the region; to determine and plan for the regional directions and strategies to advance quality of TVET in Southeast Asian countries that may enhance the responsiveness of the member states and the region towards Industry 4.0; and to strengthen cooperation among the TVET Ministries/Departments and TVET development agencies among Southeast Asia and with other countries beyond Southeast Asian.
Within the era of digitalization, collaboration within and outside of SEAMEO region is even more needed. Key issues that require strong collaborations are preparing future workforce with quality, relevance and effective technical and vocation education and training. Unemployment of TVET graduates is still high is some countries. Collaboration with industry must continue to be strengthened as well as offering opportunity for lifelong learning through flexible TVET and employment systems. Knowledge creation and management are even more needed in the era of digitalization through research activities and having knowledge management systems for easy access and usage. The need for more qualified workforce by offering higher level skills are also needed in the era of digitalization. Through reviewing the current and new occupation profiles, TVET providers must also adjust the curriculum and the
programmes by integrating key competencies besides improving the quality of teachers and infrastructures.