The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia nominated Dr. Hu Ty and Mr. Suong Saruon, to attend the training course on Effective Operations of New SEAMEO Centre, held form 24 April to 19 May 2017 in SEAMEO Secretariat, Bangkok, Thailand. The four SEAMEO Centers from SEAMEO Member countries are namely, SEAMEO CHAT in Myanmar, SEAMEO CED, newly established in Lao PDR, SEAMEO CECCEP, newly established in Indonesia and SEAMEO TED, newly established in Cambodia.
The training was given to support and share experiences regarding how to operate internal functions in the areas of Programme & Development, External Relations, Administration, Finance, IT and Documentation as well as how to develop and implement SEAMEO and External-funded projects or activities. This training was conducted based on the cost-sharing basis, which SEAMEO Secretariat offered the support for living expenses, including accommodation, training materials, experts, and, snakes and local transportation, whereas the participating centers covered on the airfares and allowance for the participants.
During the training, the participants learned how to development working paper, concept note, tentative program, and evaluation instrument for the workshop, which is important the new centers’operation. They also learned about the SEAMEO’s potential partners, how many essential meetings are always annually conducted and should be attended by the SEAMEO Centre in SEAMEO member countries. We were also invited to attend the international congress on Education on the 21st Century (ICE): Making a Difference Shaping a New Learning Paradigm for a Sustainable South-Asia on 24 April 2017 host by SEAMEO Secretariat and Ministry of Education of Thailand. The participants in the training were also allowed to visit three SEAMEO Centers in Thailand: namely SEAMEO SPAFA, SEAMEO TROPMED and SEAMEO RIHED.
At the end the training, participants had improved their understanding on the nature of regional work of SEAMEO and learned from the good experiences shared by the expert of SEAMEO Secretariat, SEAMEO SEAMOLEC and other SEAMEO center on the area of operation and administration management which are very necessary for new SEAMEO to operate their function well.