Kick-Off Meeting on Virtual SEA Vocational-Technical Teacher Exchange Program
12 August 2022, Time: 16:00-17:00 PM (Bangkok Time)
SEAMEO TED has hosted a kick-off meeting on a virtual SEA vocational-technical teacher exchange program for four SEA Vocational-Technical high schools as network members namely Keningau Vocational Collegue from Malaysia, Palapas national High School from the Philippines, Saint Francois General and Technical High School from Cambodia, and SMK Global Teknologi from Indonesia on August 12, 2022 chaired by Dr. Songheang Ai, director of SEAMEO TED. The meeting purposed to introduce and orientate technical-vocational teachers the process of virtual exchange programs and exchange action plans. The ultimate goals of the program are 1) to exchange a variety of instructional approaches/methodologies between teachers and teachers; 2) to explore cross-cultural activities/norms; 3) sharing best practices of content, pedagogical, and technological knowledge; 4) enhancing networking opportunities for cooperation and partnership; and 5) getting good opportunities for teachers to do practicum to a variety of cross-cultural students. Eighteen technical teachers joined the meeting; in which 3 teachers from Cambodia, 4 teachers from Malaysia, 5 teachers from Indonesia, and 6 teachers from the Philippines. The exchange program will be conducted for some trades/subjects such as computer system servicing and media literacy, food processing, electronic engineering, tourism, accounting, cosmetology, culinary, bakery, etc.

Dr. Songheang Ai addressed the ultimate purposes of virtual teacher exchange program and he hoped that the program will bring the best outcome to all stakeholders such as students, teachers, and their schools for instructional and management work. He also encouraged interactive and active participation during the instructional period creating a productive classroom climate.
Following the discussion, there will be 18 classes for virtual teacher exchanges. The timetable was slightly adjusted to fit with teachers’, students’, and schools’ contexts and requirements. All classes will be done during September 2022 virtually. Among 18 classes, three classes will be on September 5, six will be on September 7, seven will be on September 8, one will be on September 9, and one will be on September 24. Thirteen classes will be instructed at 9-10 am (Bangkok time), while other five will be instructed at 8-9 am (Bangkok time) by the aforementioned dates.