Courtesy Meeting on Exploring Possible Cooperation for Project Implementation at General and Technical High Schools in Cambodia. Phnom Penh, 09:00 am, 19 January 2024.
SEAMEO TED management and Chevron Delegations had a meeting on the project implementation on “Adapting One-Health Competencies for Agriculture Teachers at General and Technical High Schools in Cambodia at 09:00 am at SEAMEO TED office on January 19, 2024 co-chaired by Dr. Songheang Ai, director of SEAMEO TED and Ms. Bourbon Dee, head of Chevron delegation. The meeting objectives were as follows: 1) to understand the core function and tasks of each other in order to work closer cooperatively; and 2) to discuss the concept note of the project on “Adapting One-Health Competencies for Agriculture Teachers at General and Technical High Schools in Cambodia”.
Each party has briefly described the main function and tasks in order to understand each other well. For example, SEAMEO TED has three technical divisions focusing on technical and vocational high schools/colleges in terms of research and development, technical education and training, and public relations and partnership for technical teachers, school management and supporting administrators. Chevron grant focuses on vocational education and one-health activities in the region.
The meeting also discussed the concept note of the project on “Adapting the One-Health Competencies for Agriculture Teachers at General and Technical High Schools in Cambodia”. The Chevron team has provided fruitful feedback on the concept note for revision and re-submission to Chevron and Southeast Asian One-Health University Network (SEAOHUN) because the grant will be channeled through SEAOHUN if the proposal is successfully selected. The project focuses on the training program deliveries to agriculture teachers on one-health competencies in Cambodia. Both sides have agreed the revision and re-submission of the concept note and scheduled for the kick-off meeting before starting the project. Therefore, SEAMEO TED will work closely with Dr. Vipat Kuruchittham, executive director of SEAOHUN for the project implementation.