SEAMEO TED delegates led by Dr. Doung Vuth, Center Director attended the Center Director Meeting( CDM) from 17-19 July, 2018 in at Arnoma Grand Bangkok Hotel, Thailand. The meeting was organized by SEAMEO Secretariat. The center became the platform to for all SEAMEO Regional Centers to present their activities and programme which have been implemented for a year. A number of the progress report of each center, SEAMEO Secretariat and partnering universities were presented. In the meeting, SEAMEO TED also requested for the collaboration with SEAMEO BIOTROP Center in Indonesia conduct a short-term training to technical teachers in Cambodia and Southeast Asia. The proposed dates of Governing Board Meeting (GBM) of the new established SEAMEO Centers including SEAMEO CECCEP in Indonesia, SEAMEO CED in Laos and SEAMEO TED in Cambodia was also in discussion. From the CDM, SEAMEO TED also learned from how all SEAMEO Centers have made networking and collaboration with partners in implementing their activities. The SEAMEO’s partners are include: University of Tsukuba, China Education Association for International Exchange(CEAIE), UNESCO Asia-Pacific Center of Education for International Understanding, ASEAN-China Center, Aflatoun International, Aide et Action-Southeast Asia, GIZ, John Wiley&Sons Singarpore,Pte Ltd, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology, Japan, The Institute for Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology, UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, UNESCO International Research and Training Center for Rural Education and Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC). These partnering institutions work together with 26 SEAMEO centers to realize the seven priorities of SEAMEO member countries in the areas of education, science and culture. The 2018 CDM meeting also decided on proposed date for the CDM2019 on 18-20 July 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand.