SEAMEO TED director was invited to attend the 2nd Partnership Workshop for SEAMEO-China TVET Cultural Twinning Programme, held on 25-30 July 2018 in Guiyang, Guizhou, PR China. The workshop was hosted by Guizhou Polytechnic of Construction (GPC), organized by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), and co-organized by the ASEAN-China Centre and China-ASEAN Education Week Cooperation (CAWEC) Committee. In response to the recommendation of the 2nd SEAMEO High Officials Meeting in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), held in Bali, May 2016, the Multi-Countries Level Workshop in Guiyang was aimed to promote collaboration of TVET institutions in Southeast Asian countries with other regions beyond Southeast Asia.
The objectives of the 2nd Partnership Workshop for SEAMEO-China TVET Cultural Twinning Programme were: 1) to provide opportunity of capacity development for TVET administrators, teachers, and students through cross-country partnership programmes; 2) to strengthen and sustain long-term collaboration between TVET institutions in China and Southeast Asian countries; 3) to promote student and teacher mobility through the various forms of collaborations between China and Southeast Asian countries such as student and teacher exchanges, scholarships, short course trainings, internships, and dual programmes; 4) to set up the partnership agreements which can start the implementation in September 2018 onwards; and 5) to develop a group of model TVET institutions of best practices for cross-country partnership development. In response to the recommendation of the 2nd SEAMEO High Officials Meeting in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), held in Bali, May 2016, the Multi-Countries Level Workshop in Guiyang was aimed to promote collaboration of TVET institutions in Southeast Asian countries with other regions beyond Southeast Asia. The objectives of the 2nd Partnership Workshop for SEAMEO-China TVET Cultural Twinning Programme were: 1) to provide the opportunity of capacity development for TVET administrators, teachers, and students through cross-country partnership programs; 2) to strengthen and sustain long-term collaboration between TVET institutions in China and Southeast Asian countries; 3) to promote student and teacher mobility through the various forms of collaborations between China and Southeast Asian countries such as student and teacher exchanges, scholarships, short course training, internships, and dual programs; 4) to set up the partnership agreements which can start the implementation in September 2018 onwards, and 5) to develop a group of model TVET institutions of best practices for cross-country partnership development. The workshop was attended by 107 delegates who are high officials or school management from 62 selected advanced TVET colleges or polytechnics in Southeast Asia and China. Among the participants, 63 were from China and 44 were from SEA countries, including Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PRD, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Thailand. Six sessions – focusing on sharing and developing partnerships and collaborative activities among TVET institutions – were held on the first two days of the workshop. There were also two school visits to Guizhou Polytechnic of Construction and Guiyang Pre-School Education College in the afternoon, 29 July. At the end of the Workshop, there were 128 bilateral agreements signed between Chinese and SEA TVET institutions, with total 417 collaborative activities, such as teacher exchange and training, student exchange, scholarship and internship which will be organized onwards.