SEAMEO Regional Centre for Technical Education Development (SEAMEO TED) signed Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with LABTECH International Ltd on November 29 for cooperation. The official signing ceremony was made virtually under the witness of Dr Kritsachai Somsaman, Deputy Director (Administration and Communication) of SEAMEO Secretariat, all keynote speakers and participants during the international webinar on “Skills Development for Youth”. The MoA was made to serve 5 objectives: (1) to provide virtual TVET online courses as part of professional development programs for teachers; (2) to provide online virtual TVET digital contents access; (3) to conduct joint conferences, seminars, and webinars on various aspects of TVET; and (4) to undertake research studies on TVET. Dr. Songheang Ai, SEAMEO TED Director and Dr. Steven Mckee, the President and founder of LAPTECH International Ltd. signed MoA virtually.